Welcome to


We are here to support children and their families impacted by cancer and children with low immunity due to health challenges.

Our goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment where children can learn, play, and grow.

You are not alone in this journey. Join us and let's make a difference together.


  • Face to Face

    For children who are crawling/walking up to 5yrs

    LHL provides a free playgroup/pre-school service that ensures the environment is very clean/hygienic. At the same time as being hygienic to the level that our children need we provide social, emotional and educational (preparing for school type learning) learning that is not available elsewhere for these children.

  • Outdoor Spaces icon

    On Lion (On-line)

    On an ‘as need’ basis, LHL offers children who cannot attend face to face sessions due to being unwell, are in hospital or live too far away, live zoom sessions incorporating a range of activities such as jolly phonics, craft, storytelling, farm education, body movement, nutrition, socialisation, show and tell and more.

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    Craft Packs

    For children who are in hospital or at home whilst having to be isolated and would benefit from fun education craft packs and have the joy of them being posted to their houses. Posted fortnightly children undergoing treatment and have activities to do in their own time.

  • BH

    Butterfly House

    Butterfly House, a home away from home where our families can go for a respite holiday to spend time as a family. When a child is going through treatment, not only does the child get affected but emotionally the whole family does also. Butterfly House gives the whole family well deserved time to spend time without the burden of having to pay for the experience.

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Make a donation.

Lion Hearts Learning is a non-for profit organisation. We are soley funded by individuals, local businesses and fundraising, we are always aiming to find new ways to raise funds to ensure sustainability. It can be tricky at times but we are determined to keep Lion Hearts Learning running for the children. 
Your donations help keep us afloat.

Please Donate

Annaul & Upcoming

Fundraising Events

  • River Murray Roar

    Next Event - January 2026

    A biennial major event.

    A 3 day water skiing event on the River Murray.

  • Lion Hearts Ride

    Next Event - April 2026 date tbc

    A biennial major event.

    A 7 day bike ride from Adelaide to Melbourne.

  • Upcoming Events

    Nothing schedule. Please check back for updates.


  • Lion Hearts Learning filled a huge need in our lives at precisely the right moment. We had just moved to Adelaide, only to be advised our daughter had a life threatening illness - leukaemia. We knew no-one, had no support network and our little lion had no friends to help her develop into the person we knew she could be. On one of our long days in hospital, we met Jolyn and she told us about a playgroup that would be starting soon for kids just like Zoe. We were so thrilled and eagerly anticipated the commencement of this much-required service. And what a great success: suddenly Zoe had friends she could learn social cues from and prepare her for kindy - but as parents, we could relax knowing that everyone understood how fragile these rambunctious cubs actually are. It’s a safe space to learn, and a safe space for parents to let their little ones grow and develop into independent learners. Thank you!

    Charlotte Nash

  • Our daughter Zara was diagnosed with Ph+ALL in 2019 when she was 2 years old and spent nearly all of the first year admitted at the Women's and Children's Hospital. We nearly lost Zara many times but the scariest was when she first started treatment and the side effects caused her bowel to perforate. Before diagnosis, Zara had attended childcare a few times and when she became unwell, she spent all her time with medical staff and other adults. We were very happy to learn about LHL, they helped her to learn how to socialise with other children and prepare her for kindy, without LHL it would have been so much harder. LHL also provided me with much needed emotional and mental support, thankyou. The trained staff at LHL are amazing, they provide craft packs regularly, we've been to Gold Class Marion twice, seen Bumbles the Clown and so many more fun times have been experienced. I would like to thank all of the LHL staff, you are all amazing people and I think of you all as another family.

    Beck Greenwood